
Hello and Welcome!

Making the decision to be more purposeful in your thoughts and thinking habits is the best kind of self-care you can do. You can think of these weekly emails as a little cleaning crew coming into your brain and sweeping out the cobwebs of old thinking patterns, bad habits and negative self-talk. Kudos to you for gifting yourself with this opportunity!

Today we begin our adventure of focusing on “thinking practices”. You may be familiar with the term “mindfulness”. Mindfulness is a practice designed to help you strengthen the mental muscles you use to manage your thoughts, emotions and cognitive processes. These emails will draw from the Mindfulness field, and focus specifically on helping you become more aware of your thinking and thinking more purposefully and consciously. 

Now, maybe more than ever, you might be finding it difficult to feel grounded and in control. When things are uncertain, unpredictable and quickly changing, your brain will respond in ways that are likely making it difficult for you to do the kind of thinking that you are used to or even that you really want to do. 

These weekly emails will introduce you to practices that can help you to build mental muscles that will not only help you navigate today’s stressful challenges but the challenges of the future as well.

Housekeeping items…

  • Be sure to add “[email protected] to your contact list, to ensure all of the emails are reaching your inbox.
  • Reach out to [email protected] with any technical questions.
  • Reach out to [email protected] with any content questions.
  • Share your insights on social media using hashtag #mentalhygiene and maybe we'll feature you!

Look for email 1 to pop into your inbox shortly! 

Happy thinking,

Thought Design

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