What's Ahead!

Hello! Welcome to The Path to Resilience Course!

We are excited to have you here. We recommend that you download and print the Facilitator's Guide and worksheets below first. Then take each module one day or one week at a time. See you in the first video!

Classroom Discussion Questions:

  1. What kinds of things do you already know about your brain? (use handout for individual thinking on this question first) [answers will vary but might include: my brain hates to sleep at night, my brain  slows down when I get nervous, my brain is very distractible, etc].
  2. What does it mean to you to be a Resilient Learner?  Why do you think this might be important to get better at?
  3. Why is it important to be resilient?
  4. How would being resilient make my day easier?
  5. What is a situation you have been in before that where being more resilient would have helped you?

Activities (using the worksheets):

  1. Generate a group list of things the group already knows about their brains– this is just brainstorming, so it’s okay to include items that may be inaccurate here.

Complete and Continue